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Thursday, October 30, 2014

40 INCH CROWNS available for this contest! Discount price ends Monday

This Contest is for titles!

but the size crown you get is up to you!!!
Coupon Code is WINBIG in all caps. Sale Ends Monday

Believe me, we wanted to have a contest where everyone wins a 40 Inch Crown but the entry would have had to be over $300 a each in order to pull it off and not run Glitter Girls LLC into bankruptcy. We just didn't feel right charging that much.
So we came up with a way where you can get a 40 Inch Crown if you wanted one but you can win an other awesome crown if you didn't want to spend those big bucks. Welcome to the Ultimate 40" Photo Contest.
Sign up at:

You enter photos and our judges will pick the winners for the titles! 

But the size of the crown you win depends on the package you enter.

Coupon Code is: "WINBIG" in all caps. Sale Ends Monday NOV 3rd

Win a 40 Inch Crown!
Glitter Girls Pageants only gives unique and exciting crowns. (We are well known for that!) And these selections from our crown library have always been favorites among our contestants. Sign up EARLY so you can use the coupon code and get 10% OFF of YOUR ENTRY. That Code will stop working after Monday November 3rd.  That will be the same day your pictures will start to appear on our facebook event wall. AGAIN, WE WILL NOT POST ANY PICTURES UNTIL MONDAY. The type of pictures are anything goes, so submit your glitz, naturals and stage shots and the coupon code is "WINBIG" (remember to remove the quotation marks and type in all capital letters)

The Last day to sign up to this contest is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH, 2014 at 12AM EST Winners will be Announced on SATURDAY EVENING.

You could be our next winner!
YOU AUTOMATICALLY WILL WIN A CROWN 20 INCHES or 40 INCHES! For an "Everyone wins" contest, these are some HUGE CROWNS.But remember, the crown is the consolation prize. You are being judged for the titles of Supreme, Grand Supreme and Ultimate Grand Supreme. You guys had a great time in our last few contests where EVERYONE WON, and so did we!  We are using all new judges So you can even use the same pictures you entered before. Our Panel have never seen them before. We are happy to bring you this kind of original contest again! Please share this once in a lifetime contest everyone who may be interested. And of course have lots of fun! We will!!! Keep up with this contest on our Facebook event page.
Sign up now at and use the coupon code is "WINBIG" to get 10% off your entry price.

From all of us at Glitter Girls Pageants,
Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Everyone wins 14 INCH CROWNS or even BIGGER!

One more time, Everyone Wins

Everyone wins at least a 14 INCH CROWN, or even BIGGER!
CODE: FINALE10 (must be used by October 20th)
Sign up now at

Supremes win these Crowns
in 14 INCHES
We are awarding all HUGE DIFFERENT styles of Glitter Girls Crowns. You could win our newly unique custom "Game of Crown" in 14 inches, Our Beautiful "Delightful" Red white and blue crown in 14 inches! Or if you are chosen to be Ultimate, you win our 20 Inch "Wowzers" Crown. They are all customized to say Glitter Girls on the Bottom.  You can even choose which one you want between the first 2. Or is you win ultimate, you can swap it with one of the 14 Inch Crowns. The size crown you win depends on our Judges:

Depending on the amount of pictures that are entered, they all will be split evenly into 3 winners; Supremes, Grand Supremes and Ultimates Grand Supremes
Sign up at www/

  • The Supremes will win HUGE 14 inch custom Glitter Girls "Delightful" Crowns!
  • The Grand Supremes will win Huge 14 Inch "Game of Crowns" Glitter Girls Crowns
  • The Ultimates Grands will win Gigantic 20 Inch "Wowzers" Glitter Girls Crowns! 

Grand Supremes will win this Crown
14 Inches

Glitter Girls Pageants only gives unique and exciting crowns. (We are well known for that!) And these selections from our crown library have always been favorites among our contestants. Sign up EARLY so you can use the coupon code and get 10% OFF of YOUR ENTRY. That Code will stop working after OCTOBER 17, 2014.

code: FINALE10 (must be used by October 20th)

The Last day to sign up to this contest is MONDAY OCTOBER 27TH, 2014. Winners announced on Tuesday evening (The 28th).

UGS will win these Crowns
YOU AUTOMATICALLY WILL WIN A CROWN 14 INCHES or Possibly LARGER! For an "Everyone wins" contest, these are some HUGE CROWNS.You guys had a great time in Crazy Crowns 1 and 2 where EVERYONE WON, and so did we!  We are using all new judges So you can even use the same pictures you entered before. Our Panel have never seen them before. We are happy to bring you this kind of original contest again! Please share this once in a lifetime contest everyone who may be interested. And of course have lots of fun! We will!!! Keep up with this contest on our

Be sure to check your email or find our BLOG POST for the coupon code to get 10% off for early entries!

CODE: FINALE10 (must be used by October 20th)
Sign up now at

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Everybody WINS.. AGAIN!!! Use the coupon code and get 10% off your entry!

You loved it so much so We decided to do it again!
Crazy Crowns is BACK!!!
This time in support of Cancer Awareness Month, We are awarding all pink Glitter Girls Crowns in our newly unique custom style! The size crown you win depends on your pictures and our Judges:

Depending on the amount of pictures that are entered, they all will be split evenly into 3 winners; Supremes, Grand Supremes and Ultimates!!!

  • The Supremes will win this Big 8 inch custom Pink Glitter Girls Crowns!
  • The Grand Supremes will win this Huge 10 Inch custom Pink Glitter Girls Crowns
  • The Ultimates Grands will win this Gigantic 14 inch Pink Glitter Girls Crowns! 

Glitter Girls Pageants only gives unique and exciting crowns. (We are well known for that!) Winners will be the only girls ever to own these crowns! And they are in Heart Stopping Pink and just in time for Cancer Awareness Month

Enter EARLY because this contest ends at 10PM EST on MONDAY October 13TH! Winners will be Announced on Tuesday evening.

Keep up with the contest on our Facebook Event Page

We can't wait to see the turn out and competition! You guys had a great time in Crazy Crowns 1 where EVERYONE WINS, and so did we! So we are happy to bring you this kind of original contest again! Please share this once in a lifetime contest everyone who may be interested. And of course have lots of fun! We will!!! Keep up with this contest on our Facebook event page.

The coupon code to get 10% off for early entries (that are received by Oct 6th) is: "SUSANGKOMEN"
be sure to remove the exclamation marks and use capital letters!

Sign up now at

And again, thanks for your participation!