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Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Nationals are upon us! Fully Round Photo Contest and We are Coming back to Florida

What are you waiting for. This will be 3 days of pure full glitz pageant goodness. Join us now! You can still sign up to our biggest event of the year!

Also, Please start sending in your OOC Music:

We have a new Photo Contest going on for some of the best custom Glitter Girls Crowns online. Get in soon and so you can have a chance at the Glitter Girls Custom Fluer De Lis 14 Inch Crown.s There is crown assurance available Where you automatically get a crown by entering 5 pictures w/CA.You do have a chance of winning a 2nd one if the you are who our judges pick! This contest ends this Friday, June 6th and the winners will be announced on June 3rd. Join Us!


We are also Coming back to Orlando Florida late this summer!
Here is the PPW our Upcoming Glitter Girls Pageant on August 23rd in Orlando.

 Our specials are limited to the first 10 who grabs them and they are going fast! We will again bring Orlando our top notch children's pageant experience with a world class Crowns, Decor/set-up, Professional Audio and our exclusive and very popular Emcee. We also have a very fair and organized staff directed by our very own Tasha Land. For an example of how great glitter girls pageants are, please check out our YouTube page at:
As usual, we will give you a "National Level" experience at a local level price. Our production is regularly compared to many National Pageants that hire outside staging and sound. Glitter Girls custom crowns are ALWAYS the biggest and the best in the business! So sign up now and allow your DD to experience pageantry the Glitter Girls way. You won't regret it!

See you soon :)
Tasha Land
Director of Glitter Girls Pageants

Monday, May 19, 2014

"When it comes to crowns, We don't mess around!" :o Pics!

Warning, Warning, Warning! 

Time is running out! This weekend is the last chance to get in on the Late Bird Special for $495. $200 holds your spot in line-up. Price will go up to $595. Hotel is also filling to capacity. Book your room expeditiously. Get more info at and Sign up right now at Sorry, but we cannot hold out any longer!

We don't mess around when it comes to the crowns! 

Only at Glitter Girls Pageants will you get ORIGINAL crowns that WE'VE CREATED! If you see other crowns like ours, they came into existence at Glitter Girls Pageants first! Join the Nationals on June 20-22nd in Atlanta and see all of the other Surprises we have to offer as well as the unveiling ceremony of the first ever, 40 INCH Crowns in existence! Sign up today at Even Princesses are getting crowns!

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Summertime Crown Festival is upon us!

The Glitter Girls "Summer of Large Crowns madness" is officially in full swing! 

When we Design our own crowns, They come out this beautiful!
Our Crowns are starting to arrive, and this isn't even 25% of the crowns we have coming in for our Nationals on June 20-22nd and the recent Photo Contest winners. so check your mail boxes in the coming weeks if you've won a contest. And sign up to Glitter Girls Nationals by Next week to catch the special rates and join in the Crowntastic Summer we have Planned.

Ladies: Time is soon approaching for this amazing event! On May 20th I will announce the official Breakdowns and age divisions. Also, currently the price is still $495 for the "late bird special" but after May 20th the price will go up. A $200 deposit will hold your spot. We are still honoring the "buddy special where 2 girls can enter at $400 a piece. But that too will be over on May 20th. As of right now I have 4 very good unused DISCOUNTS, I will give them to anyone who messages me, but the discount must be paid in full. If you have a discount and have yet to use it I will give them to the first person who asks for them unless you can pay your deposit.
Our Original Designed Custom Glitter Girls 14 inch Crowns
Please be sure to book your hotel too, as the hotel has a cut off date of May 30. If you do not book prior to then, there is nothing I can do for you. You will have to go with their current rate which will cost close to $140 per night. Book h/m and tanning and coaching vendors asap as most of them are filling fast. Glitter Girls 40 inch Crown Nationals will be here before you know it!!!! register and leave your deposit today!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Join the Glitter Girls Mother's Day Photo Contest!

This is NOT a U-judge contest. Our judges will pick the winners. This contest is for Glitz and Natural Photos. For every ten entries we get, another winner will be added. This is the cheapest photo contest we've had in a very long time. 
1 picture is $10 - 2 pictures is $15 - and 4 pictures is $20(only $5 per picture) - Also, back by popular demand is the crown assurance option where you can add 15 pictures and you'll automatically get the crown featured and you are still eligible to win a 2nd crown. 
This is probably the lowest cost contest we'll ever have again, any time soon. To top off the low price, we are awarding some BBBIIIIIGGGG crowns! 20 Inches to be exact. And they will be customized reading "Glitter Girls" across the bottom of the crowns pictured. These crowns are double the size of our last few contests. 
We will accept the last photos on May 10th, Saturday evening at 8pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME! But do yourself a favor and sign up early. What better way is it to celebrate mother's day than to have your beautiful DD win a 20 Inch Crown on Mother's day morning? (We will announce the winners on Sunday May 11th, right after church!) around 1pm! Thanks and Good Luck!

Thanks. Also, don't forget our very first Nationals is upcoming on June 20-22nd in Atlanta. There are many Nationals Pageants out there but there is only 1 time you can witness a very popular pageant system's 1st and we hope you'll join us. You've seen what we can do at Pre-lims, imagine what we are going to pull off at our Nationals! Here is a Preview to show you the magnitude of what we will be bringing!
Thanks again
Tasha Land