What are you waiting for. This will be 3 days of pure full glitz pageant goodness. Join us now! You can still sign up to our biggest event of the year!
Register: www.glittergirlspageants.com/sign-up-now
Also, Please start sending in your OOC Music: atlglittergirls@yahoo.com
We have a new Photo Contest going on for some of the best custom Glitter Girls Crowns online. Get in soon and so you can have a chance at the Glitter Girls Custom Fluer De Lis 14 Inch Crown.s There is crown assurance available Where you automatically get a crown by entering 5 pictures w/CA.You do have a chance of winning a 2nd one if the you are who our judges pick! This contest ends this Friday, June 6th and the winners will be announced on June 3rd. Join Us!
Sign up at: www.glittergirlspageants.com/photo-contests
Follow the Event at: Supercrown Photo Contest Event Page.
We are also Coming back to Orlando Florida late this summer!
Here is the PPW our Upcoming Glitter Girls Pageant on August 23rd in Orlando.
Our specials are limited to the first 10 who grabs them and they are going fast! We will again bring Orlando our top notch children's pageant experience with a world class Crowns, Decor/set-up, Professional Audio and our exclusive and very popular Emcee. We also have a very fair and organized staff directed by our very own Tasha Land. For an example of how great glitter girls pageants are, please check out our YouTube page at: http://www.youtube.com/user/GlitterGirlsPageants
As usual, we will give you a "National Level" experience at a local level price. Our production is regularly compared to many National Pageants that hire outside staging and sound. Glitter Girls custom crowns are ALWAYS the biggest and the best in the business! So sign up now and allow your DD to experience pageantry the Glitter Girls way. You won't regret it!
Sign up now at: www.glittergirlspageants.com/sign-up-now
Tasha Land
Director of Glitter Girls Pageants